She said, "Yes"
She said, "Yes."
After a year long process, with a few months of in depth searching for the best possible way to ask, I just got word that I will become a Dominican this summer.
Holy Mother Church has said yes to my proposition for marriage, and man, it's amazing to think that someday, I could be wed to that which is perfect.
We can see in the life of the religious a great chance at becoming holy. We can also see a great chance to become one with the spouse and to experience a foretaste of the reality of heaven while here on earth. This is amazing.
The celibate is called to make heaven present on earth. He or she is to a sign to the world of what heaven is really about - that union with the Triune God in the eternal Beatific Vision.
Unfortunately, there is often such a bad rap about giving yourself totally to Christ and the Church the way a celibate does. But, it is just that, unfortunate that people think that way! If the celibate life is lived well, then there should be nothing unfortunate about this total surrender of everything for the spouse. Rather, we should pray that celibates live the best life he or she can and so that the only thing that the only reason while they are regarded as eccentric or strange is because their lives are a contradiction to the world.
Pray for the celibates around the world, that through their witness, they may show the world what heaven is all about.
After a year long process, with a few months of in depth searching for the best possible way to ask, I just got word that I will become a Dominican this summer.
Holy Mother Church has said yes to my proposition for marriage, and man, it's amazing to think that someday, I could be wed to that which is perfect.
We can see in the life of the religious a great chance at becoming holy. We can also see a great chance to become one with the spouse and to experience a foretaste of the reality of heaven while here on earth. This is amazing.
The celibate is called to make heaven present on earth. He or she is to a sign to the world of what heaven is really about - that union with the Triune God in the eternal Beatific Vision.
Unfortunately, there is often such a bad rap about giving yourself totally to Christ and the Church the way a celibate does. But, it is just that, unfortunate that people think that way! If the celibate life is lived well, then there should be nothing unfortunate about this total surrender of everything for the spouse. Rather, we should pray that celibates live the best life he or she can and so that the only thing that the only reason while they are regarded as eccentric or strange is because their lives are a contradiction to the world.
Pray for the celibates around the world, that through their witness, they may show the world what heaven is all about.
"Holy Mother Church has said yes to my proposition for marriage." I don't know if that makes me cry because it's so eloquent or because I'm so happy for you. I think it's actually a little of both. Congratulations again, and may God continue to bless you in abundance. :)
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